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Woodbridge Historic Riverside Celebrates Earth Day with the Theme ‘Love the Place you Live’ 

Woodbridge Historic Riverside Celebrates Earth Day with the Theme ‘Love the Place you Live’ 
Woodbridge celebrated Earth Day on Saturday 22nd April at Whisstocks Place 10am-4PM.
Hosted by Transition Woodbridge, Woodbridge Town Council and Woodbridge Ambient Music Festival, the day mixed Live Music, Story Telling, Children’s events with a Local Growers market, celebrating food and drink producers within 21 miles of Woodbridge.

“If you buy food produced locally you support the farmers, growers and processors which gives a boost to the local economy and jobs.” says Jane Healey from Transition Woodbridge. “The food will be fresher, healthier, seasonal, and will have travelled a shorter distance, thus needing less packaging.”

Live music is curated by Woodbridge Ambient Music Festival including local favourites Aartwork, Myatt and Dansie, Elly Tree, Brook Telling on the Sea Folk Arts Stage with Nick Fowler’s Children’s Choir, Storytelling from Bards Aloud and ambient music in the Middle Earth Stage. Along with local growers there are Environmental stands from Suffolk Wildlife Trust, RSPB, Save the Deben, Woodbridge Climate Action Centre and others providing a day of celebration of the beautiful place we live.

“Earth Day is now a Global event’ says Jan Pulsford, producer of last year’s sold-out Woodbridge Ambient Music Festival and member of the Town’s Climate and Ecological Emergency Committee. “The first Earth Day was in 1970 when people, concerned about the damage being done to the environment, decided to mark the day. Brian Eno, the father of Ambient Music, who opened our festival last year, is a great supporter of environmental causes. This year we will continue working with #savethedeben on clean water and river rights which have also been championed nationally by another veteran music star, Feargal Sharkey.”

Since 2008, Transition Woodbridge has campaigned for a cleaner, healthier and wildlife friendly local environment. They do so much behind the scenes like planting fruit trees that benefit insects and birds and provide free, fresh fruit close to homes and encourage care of Woodbridge with 5 Minute Litter picks and an annual River Clean with the Sea Scouts. Their Repair Café helps reduce waste and save money. We look forward to welcoming families and children of all ages to our Earth Day Event on Woodbridge’s Historic Riverside!


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