David Schnaufer - king of the dulcimer and an experimental musician who loved exploring the sonic wilderness.
I was so lucky to work with the legend when I lived in the USA. Cyndi Lauper and I hunted him down one cold and frosty morning in Nashville mid 90s and got David to come and play dulcimer and Tennessee Music Box on the SIsters of Avalon album we were recording at English Valley Music Studios.
I went on to produce the album 'Delcimore' with guest Stephen Seifert, recording many tracks on various other albums. A lot didn't get released, some, like 'Twangin Dude' were given the dance remix treatment.
Cyndi used David's rendition of 'In the Bleak Mid Winter' on her Christmas Album and the 'Parlour Music' collection went back in time to turn of the century piano and dulcimer. It shows the more experimental side of David's work with music recorded at English Valley Music between 1996 and 2006 when he sadly passed away.
If there is enough interest the collection will be released on Bandcamp and eventually on all streaming services. TwangingDude.bandcamp.com Any profits go towards keeping his music and memory alive.
David was an inspiration to many and a true 'Twanging Dude' The story of my working with the legendary ’Twanging Dude’ is best summed up in a letter to the Tennessee Arts Commission I was asked to write to recommend David Schnaufer for a Folklife Heritage Award. davidschnaufer.blogspot.com