After co-producing the fabulous Woodbridge Yuletide Weekend on Whisstock’s Place 2023, Jan Pulsford discovered one of her Christmas Songs, co-written and sung by Cyndi Lauper, had garnered close to 12 million Spotify streams!
Appearing on many Seasonal compilations ‘Early Christmas Morning’ has definitely become a seasonal favourite.
Since arriving in Woodbridge in 2011 Jan has been involved with both the local music scene and community radio alongside her online work in New York, LA, London, Europe, Canada and Tokyo
‘I’ve been experimenting with streaming since 2003, when the metaverse became an option for live music. When I moved back to the UK, I continued my love of community radio by broadcasting the ‘Ambient Music World’ show on Deben Radio, then Radio Ditto in London, up to Castle Radio in Framlingham, over to Eurobeat Radio, occasional shows on ICR, then to Bentwaters with Radio Mothership and finally over to Rendlesham Radio. Now we're heading to Felixstowe!”
“At the height of our listenership during Covid, Radio Mothership had over 7,000 listeners but things changed dramatically with lockdown, and we sadly had to give up our studio and license. We kept the stream and used it for pop ups at various live broadcasts like the Woodbridge Ambient Music Festival but gave up 24/7 radio.
We’ve recently rebranded as Mothership.Voyage as the Radio part seems a bit obsolete - we’ve morphed into a pop-up stream and digital label, hailing all frequencies!”
The Mothership is heading to Felixstowe for two hourly shows a week in 2024 on 107.5, just down the river and the gateway to the North Sea and rest of the world.
Mondays at 9pm Jan will be broadcasting her ‘ambient music world’ - an hour of music to relax and unwind.
Saturdays at 8pm Gary James continues his ‘Uptown Transmission’ which has become a firm favourite with listeners of eclectic mixes of underground music. Aside from running the Pavilion Cafe here in Woodbridge, Gary releases albums as Floormat Doormat and Slow Down Missy. He recently released his ground-breaking Stylophone album ‘Timber Barracks’ - Drybridge Hill will never sound the same again.”
Tune in and chill out on Felixstowe Radio and follow Jan and the Mothership Continuum on their next voyage … You can listen to Felixstowe Radio By asking Alexa to play "Felixstowe Radio" or click on